MarketEd.Live 2018 was the best event we've ever been to. We're biased, of course, but the feedback we've received has been phenomenal. Thank you for being part of our day.

As a ticket holder, you can now access the sessions again and relive the day.

Course Curriculum

    1. BizPaul - Welcome to the Future of Marketing

    2. Chris Marr - The future of sales and marketing: How to Communicate with the Digital Consumer

    3. Emma Leech - The Power of PR – How to Turbo Charge Your Marketing

    4. Howard Jones - What Technology Will Do For Us In The Future

    5. Timothy Armoo - How to Take Advantage of Advertainment, The New Language of Social

    6. Ross Davies - The Growth of Disparate Information, and What It Means for the Small Business Landscape

    7. Hannah McCreesh - Building Profitable Influence Using Podcasting & Audio Marketing

    8. Class of 2017 - Four of our speakers from 2017 return to provide insight into what they said last year and whether their predictions came true.

    9. Chris Strub - Community Marketing

About this course

  • £40.00
  • 9 lessons
  • 5 hours of video content